Reporting Trip II

April 28, 2013 – The IWMF led its second reporting trip to Western Sahara and Morocco in early May 2013, immediately after
United Nations hearings on adding a human rights monitoring mandate to Western Sahara’s UN Mission (MINURSO). Six women journalists from international media outlets toured the region, meeting government officials, civil society groups and exchanging knowledge with reporters from local newsrooms, as well as report on a range of topics including socio-economic issues.

The IWMF’s presence in the territory was met with a large pro-independence protest. In spite of heavy digital and physical surveillance, the journalists were able to cover complex stories and bring to light new narratives from the forgotten conflict. As a result of the two reporting trips, mainstream media coverage of myriad issues, including the extraction of Western Sahara’s natural resources and implications for the Sahrawi people, has spiked.

Prior to the trip, participating journalists completed a digital security training workshop in Madrid, Spain.

read-more-btnRead also:
“It is fascinating to be granted access to an under-reported place” | Interview with Reporting Fellow Edythe McNamee
“It can be difficult to convey just how sensitive a topic this issue is in Morocco” | Interview with Reporting Fellow Portia Walker

Western Sahara
Western Sahara