#Kality Tweet Chat – December 19



Ethiopian journalists Reeyot Alemu and Eskinder Nega have been locked up in Ethiopia’s Kality prison since 2011 – simply for being journalists trying to hold their government accountable for its actions. Although they have been honored with numerous prestigious journalism awards, the Ethiopian authorities continue to insist that Reeyot Alemu and Eskinder Nega are terrorists. There is no doubt that their arrests and convictions were politically motivated and that their rights as journalists, who are constitutionally protected by freedom of the press, have been violated.



“Last year, we had the honor of hosting the 2012 Courage in Journalism Award for the International Women’s Media Foundation. It was a moving, even glittering event. But there was one striking absence. Journalist Reeyot Alemu could not come to New York to receive her award because she is languishing in an Ethiopian prison.”

– Christiane Amanpour, IWMF Board of Directors

  • Twitter#Kality Tweet ChatBecome a voice for press freedom, join the #Kality tweet chat, hosted by the International Women’s Media Foundation, the Media Legal Defence Initiative, the Committee to Protect Journalists, Freedom Now, the Kality Foundation, PEN International, and A Safe World for Women on
    Thursday, December 19, at 11 am ET (New York, Washington)
    (4 pm London | 5 pm Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin | 7 pm Addis Ababa).

    Join the Tweet Chat

  • KalityHow a Tweet Chat worksTweet chats happen when a group of people all tweet about the same topic using a specific hashtag (#) that allows it to be followed on Twitter.
    How to participate: Go to tweetchat.com and type “Kality” into the ‘Hashtag to Follow’ field to follow the conversation. If you want to actively participate, sign in using your Twitter login information.
    We look forward to hearing from you on Thursday, December 19.

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  • UNESCOIWMF calls on UNESCO Director General to help Reeyot Alemu“Today, I write to you to bring to your attention the dire situation of imprisoned Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu who was awarded the IWMF’s 2012 Courage in Journalism Award. I respectfully urge you to intercede in this matter as a matter of justice and for humanitarian reasons.” – Elisa Lees Munoz

    Read the Letter

  • [display-posts category=”advocacy” posts_per_page=”1″ image_size=”thumbnail” wrapper=”div” include_excerpt=”true”]

  • Reeyot AlemuDemand freedom for Reeyot Alemu, on June 21, 2011, Ethiopian journalist Reeyot Alemu was arrested and thrown in jail for holding her government accountable. Although Alemu has won the IWMF Courage in Journalism Award and the UNESCO World Press Freedom Prize, the Ethiopian government insists that she is a terrorist. We need your help demanding Reeyot Alemu's freedom!

    Sign the Petition

  • Press FreedomPress Freedom in EthiopiaIn their 2013 report for the UN’s Universal Periodic Review, PEN, CPJ and Freedom Now called on the Ethiopian government to "immediately and unconditionally release independent journalists and activists imprisoned and detained for peacefully exercising their fundamental right to freedom of opinion, expression, and association."

    Read Report

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The #Kality Tweet Chat is proudly co-hosted by:

Freedon Now Kality Fonden PEN International
Safe World for Women