Our COVID-19 Response
A message to the IWMF community
March 16, 2019
Dear IWMF community members,
Like most of you, the impact of the global COVID-19 coronavirus is changing the way our organization operates.
Right now, the International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) is solely focused on the best way to take care of our community. When it comes to our resources and programmatic work, that means maximum flexibility and full transparency.
In the coming days we will provide our community with a detailed plan of changes to each of our individual and group programs. In collaboration with our funders, these changes will be made to support our full network and every IWMF staff member. For those who are currently in the process of submitting an application to the IWMF, or awaiting feedback from the IWMF, we promise to get back to you with more specific information very soon.
The needs of our fellows, grantees, fund recipients and award recipients are nuanced. We are working closely with these community members to assess their safety, well-being and how we can support them and their work during this challenging time.
The IWMF remains committed to our mission – breaking barriers for women journalists worldwide – now more than ever. Our vision for a world where press freedom and equity in journalism prevails is as important now as it’s always been. We are continuing our critical work as best as we can to make sure that even – perhaps especially – in this unpredictable time, women’s voices are heard.
Thank you for your support and understanding.
Be well,
Elisa Lees Munoz
Executive Director, IWMF
Journalism Relief Fund
Like many right now, the journalism community is suffering. Cancelled assignments, lost income and an inability to pay essential living expenses have created a great need for support – especially among freelancers with no safety net.
Our newly-established Journalism Relief Fund is providing vital support for women journos around the world. Within one month, we provided over $220,000 in assistance to more than 150 women journalists facing urgent financial hardship.
Learn more about the fund here (Note: fund is open only to women journalists facing urgent hardship), or donate to help women journos in need.