Aliya Bashir


Aliya Bashir is an independent journalist covering India and Indian-administered Kashmir with a focus on human rights, gender justice, women’s issues, the environment, healthcare, education and minorities. She is a Mercury Phoenix Trust HIV/AIDS Reporting Fellow at Internews Health Journalism Network and Journalism Fund Europe grantee working on a cross-border environmental investigation. She has written and reported for The BMJ, Global Health Now, Missing Perspectives, The Guardian, Time, Lancet Psychiatry, The New Humanitarian, Reuters, Global Press Journal, TRT World and many more. She is the winner of the 2015 Schizophrenia Research Foundation-Press Institute of India “Media for Mental Health” award for best reporting on mental health issues in India. A HEFAT trainee, she has won reporting grants from International Women’s Media Foundation and Population Reference Bureau.

Reporting Locations
