Amelia Urry is a writer and freelance journalist in Seattle, Washington, specializing in science and the environment. In 2017, she was the the recipient of a Heinrich Böll Stiftung fellowship and an honoree of the Society for Environmental Journalists’ awards for her reporting on energy and technology. She has also received funding and fellowships from Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources, the National Tropical Botanical Garden, Longreads, the Metcalfe Institute, and Earth Journalism Network. Her poetry has received awards from the Academy of American Poets and the Norman Mailer Foundation. She is the co-author of Fractal Worlds: Grown, Built, Imagined, an introduction to the geometry of self-similarity, and a contributor to the 2016 collection of essays Coming of Age at the End of Nature.
En Español
Amelia Urry es una escritora y periodista independiente en Seattle, Washington, especializada en la ciencia y el medio ambiente. En 2017, recibió la beca Heinrich Böll Stiftung y fue honorada por la Sociedad de Periodistas Ambientales (Society for Environmental Journalists) por sus informes sobre energía y tecnología. También ha recibido fondos y becas del Instituto de Periodismo y Recursos Naturales (Institute for Journalism and Natural Resources), el Jardín Botánico Tropical Nacional, Longreads, el Instituto Metcalfe y Earth Journalism Network. Su poesía ha recibido premios de la Academia de Poetas Americanos (Academy of American Poets) y la Fundación Norman Mailer. Es coautora de Fractal Worlds: Grown, Built, Imagined, una introducción a la geometría de la auto-similitud, y una contribuyente a la colección de ensayos de 2016: Coming of Age at the End of Nature.