He is a young Colombian. He is a journalist in Verdad Abierta y Rutas del Conflicto, two independent media specialize armed conflict Colombian. He is a member of the fourth generation of the Red Latinoamericana de Jóvenes Periodistas directed by Distintas Latitudes of Mexico. He is winner of the award "Investiga! 2019" in the category student of Consejo de Redacción. He has published multimedia specials in alliance with El Espectador, Verdad Abierta, Rutas del Conflicto, Unidad de Investigación Periodística, Distintas Latitudes of México and the NGO Somos Defensores. He is interested in journalism related with human rights, gender approach, about Colombian armed conflict and peace building. From his identity as a young man, he seeks, with his acts and thoughts, to contribute to the social construction of Colombia and Latin America.