Gabriele Roza


Gabriele Roza is a Brazilian black journalist and documentary filmmaker. Her work is concerned with notions of culture, identity, and environment from a black diasporic lens. In 2023, on a trip to Benin and South Africa, she directed and scripted the documentary web series 'Origins' and 'Children of the Diaspora: South Africa'. At Cultne Audiovisual, where she collaborates as a screenwriter and director, she directed O Olhar de Januário Garcia (2021), a documentary about the story of the legendary photographer of the Brazilian black movement. In 2019, with support from the State Secretariat for Culture of Rio de Janeiro and Light, she directed ''Raised'', a documentary that investigates black ancestry through the use of braids. She also co-directed the documentary series Baia 360 (2018), about environmental relations around Guanabara Bay, the largest bay in Latin America. She worked as a journalist and video editor at Agência Pública de Jornalismo Investigativo, Data_labe and GloboNews from Brazil.

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