Molly O’Toole

Print Journalist @mollymotoole

Molly O’Toole is a freelance international correspondent and an Investigative Reporters and Editors fellow. She contributes to The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Foreign Policy, The Intercept, The New Republic, and others. O’Toole is currently based in Sofia, Bulgaria, and she focuses on the global intersection of migration and security, from Mexico and Central America, West Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia. Previously, she was a senior reporter at Foreign Policy, and its first-ever presidential campaign correspondent. She has also worked as a politics reporter at The Atlantic’s Defense One, a news editor at The Huffington Post, and reporter at Reuters, The Nation, The Associated Press, and Newsweek. She earned her dual master’s degree in journalism and international relations from New York University, and bachelor's degree from Cornell University. She is also a Foreign Policy Interrupted fellow, two-time IWMF Adelante fellow, and Californian.

En Español

Molly O’Toole es una corresponsal internacional independiente y una becaria con la organización Investigative Reporters and Editors. Ella contribuye a The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Newsweek, Foreign Policy, The Intercept, The New Republic y otros medios. Actualmente O'Tolle está basada en Sofia, Bulgaria y se enfoque en la intersección global de migración y seguridad, desde México y Centroamérica, África Occidental, Europa del Este, el Oriente Medio y Asia meridional. Previamente, fue reportera en Foreign Policy y su primer corresponsal de la campaña presidencial. Ella ha trabajado como una reportera cubriendo asuntos políticos para Atlantic Media’s Defense, como una editora para The Huffington Post y como reportera en Reuters, The Nation, the Associated Press y Newsweek. Ella recibió una doble maestría en periodismo y relaciones internacionales de New York University y su licenciatura de Cornell University. Ella es una becaria de Foreign Policy Interrupted, una becaria de dos veces de la iniciativa Adelante y una californiana.

Reporting Locations
