Neldy San Martín is a mexican reporter at Proceso magazine since 2019. A few months ago she coordinated the special edition of feminism in the magazine “La Revolución de las Mujeres”. Previously, she worked as a television reporter at El Financiero/Bloomberg TV. Founder in 2012 of the magazine Spleen! Journal. She worked at the Reforma newspaper and Univision. She has also collaborated at Nexos magazine, Vice News, Esquire Latin America and Lento of Uruguay. She is co-author of the books “19 Edificios como 19 heridas” (Grijalbo, 2018), “Demasiados lobos andan sueltos. Crónicas infrarrealistas” (Rayuela, 2014) and “No basta con encender una vela. Crónicas infrarrealistas” (Rayuela, 2015).