Nita Dian

Nita Dian is a graduate of the Journalism Study Program, Faculty of Communication, Padjajaran University. She started her career as a magazine writer. Her passion for photography motivated her to become a photo researcher at Tempo in 2010. For her, life is not about the goals, but the process of achieving it. She often travels solo to capture the uniqueness of Indonesia and several Asian and European countries. Her work appeared on the cover of Journey to Indonesia, which was published by Wonderful Indonesia in various languages. With the support of the European Journalism Centre, she was also involved in the Empowered Women project to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Indonesian Women's Congress. In 2021, she completed a visual storytelling project entitled "Ark of Rainbow," which tells the struggles of women who are survivors of sexual violence. This project was a graduation requirement for the Permata Photojournalist Grand program. Starting in 2019, she began to actively teach photography at the Tempo Institute.

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