Patty Talahongva is Hopi from the villages of Walpi and Sitstomovi in Arizona. She's a veteran of covering the news in Indian Country for news outlets such as Indian Country Today, Native America Calling, National Native News, Native Peoples Magazine, Winds of Change and the Tribal College Journal. In addition she's produced for CBS News and her documentary work is in museums such as the Heard Museum, the Penn Museum and the National Museum of the American Indian. She attended Arizona State University. She is currently writing a book about her family's experience at the Phoenix Indian School which she also attended. It will be published by Legacy Lit, an imprint of Hachette Book Group, in 2026. She is also working on a film for Frontline. Patty is a past president of the Native American Journalists Association (now Indigenous Journalists Association) and received the 2016 Medill Milestone Achievement Award from NAJA.