A New Model for Journalism Safety

Next Gen Safety Trainers

The journalism community is becoming increasingly diverse, yet the vast majority of security advisers and trainers are cisgender, white men. Recognizing this disparity, the IWMF is partnering with ROAAAR to train a new generation of inclusive, diverse safety trainers. Together, we are training a cohort of women and nonbinary people* in the U.S. throughout 2021, to improve the model for newsroom safety management.

*Non-binary includes anyone, regardless of sex assigned at birth, who understands their gender to be something other than strictly man or woman

After a year of training, fellows will support the growing need for safety training from a diverse background. This includes:  

  • Work as a trainer on a Hostile Environment & First Aid Training (HEFAT) course
  • Consult with media organizations and/or work as independent news room safety advisors
  • Deliver workshops on areas of relevant safety experience.

Banner image © Jazmin Chase.

Leadership Team


ROAAAR LogoROAAAR is a not for profit organization working towards creating anti racist safety training for journalists and the wider community which is centered around identity, emotional and physical well being. Founded by photographer and HEFAT consultant Ali Baskerville, we deliver training which is relevant to our community and intersectional in its approach.  We have built our content by blending specialist military training, experience in conflict photography and supporting freelance journalists as well as working with activist groups, community organizations and people within the LGBTQ community.

“ROAAAR was founded to dismantle and help build a new system of safety training which tackles the underlying effects of white supremacy and patriarchy on the perceptions of safety. Leading this program feels like our most important work yet to help create and make space for a more diverse generation of safety trainers.” – Alison Baskerville, Founder, ROAAAR