Flowers, Embroidery and Elbows

Jazmín Aguilera and I reported out a story about indigenous fabric designs in Mexico (and the proliferation of copies abroad). This is the detail of a dress embroidered by hand by Juana Pérez Torres, 36, from Sinacantán, Chiapas.

She traveled to Expo Feria Tapachula to sell the clothing she makes.

We also spoke with Sergio Pérez Gómez, 25, a Tzotzil indigenous man from San Cristobal who sells embroidered shirts at his store in Tapachula.

He taught us how to tell the difference between a shirt that is embroidered by hand and by machine. (You have to look closely at the back, and often the thread used by machines is a different texture).

Even though our trip ended early because of the coronavirus, I am grateful for the opportunity to meet such incredible women journalists from around the world, and to have collaborated together. The HEFAT training was inolvidable. I only wish I had those skills sooner.

When in doubt, give it (h)elbow.

With gratitude,

— Devi Lockwood