I interviewed an inspiring #Salvadoran entrepreneur today. A local gang wanted to charge her taxes for expanding her indigo dye…

I interviewed an inspiring #Salvadoran entrepreneur today. A local gang wanted to charge her taxes for expanding her indigo dye shirt business in their “territory” but she refused, choosing instead to base her business elsewhere in the country. 

“If any women read my story I hope it will provide them with the incentive to follow their dreams,” said Nina Marcela Flores. “

Her business provides jobs, resources and support for other women, many of whom are working and going to college as she did before. She also works as a lawyer specializing in labor and family rights. She is the bread winner for her family and her daughters want to follow in her footsteps. Little by little, women like her are fighting the machista culture in the small Central American country. 

I can’t wait to meet more women like her during the @iwmfontheground Adelante fellowship. #iwmffellows #elsalvador #womenempowerment #womenentrepreneurs 
