Meet Katya Cengel, DRC/Rwanda Fellow “The part about journalism I enjoy most is telling the whole story. So many times we hear…

Meet Katya Cengel, DRC/Rwanda Fellow

“The part about journalism I enjoy most is telling the whole story. So many times we hear only part of what is going on, but as a journalist we get to dig deeper and present it in more nuanced and real terms. When I first covered Sudan’s “Lost Boys” there was a single story about them – they were orphans without any family. But the reality I found was very different, after spending years in refugee camps many now had wives and even children. Some also had parents and even sisters who had made a similar journey but had remained out of the limelight.”

#IWMFfellows were on the ground in Rwanda, DRC, and Uganda in early 2016 as part of the African Great Lakes Reporting Initiative. For more dispatches from the field, check out Photo by@kianahayeri for @theiwmf