Reporting trips can be tough. The days are long, the logistics are stressful, and the unexpected challenges at times seem insurmountable.
But reporting trips are also some of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. It is an immense privilege to travel and work with our journalists, fixers, and drivers – They are amazing professionals. But the real gift is getting to know them as people and being able to count on their insight and help when things are stressful.
At our office, we have a happy wall and a chat dedicated to giving each other kudos for our work and help. Since i am in field, this is my way of give kudos out – a shoutout to our first group of Adelante journalists, drivers, and fixers in Colombia and the Mexico-U.S. Border for being so awesome! And to the IWMF staff on the ground in both locations and in HQ for just being the best!