When it comes to this once and a lifetime IWMF experience, one of the things I feel so privileged about (and there are many…

When it comes to this once and a lifetime IWMF experience, one of the
things I feel so privileged about (and there are many things), is our
access to incredible fixers. I’ve never worked with a fixer before, I’ve
always taken the sort of fly by the seat of your pants approach which has
worked for me, but always came with its fair share of mishaps and “ooo,
probably shouldn’t of done that alone.” Sam is one of our fixers here in
Rwanda. Our first night meeting him, he was so enthusiastic about our week
together he just jumped right into logistics. “We have to make sure to be
on time and plan everything out every day or else this won’t work!” He
didn’t even have to tell me twice, I was right on the same page with him.
He even knew how essential the golden hour and the blue hour were to a
photographer like myself. He was speaking my soul which I suppose is
exactly what you should look for in a fixer, right?

I know that whatever happens this week, whatever story I produce, I owe it
all to Sam and our great team of fixers. Pictured here is Sam looking over
his map of Rwanda and showing us our game plan for the week.

-Cassandra Giraldo